Saturday, January 28, 2017

Which Pokemon Generation Is My Favorite?

Hey everyone! I know I haven't posted anything on this blog for a while now, and I plan on changing that in the month that's coming up, February. At least 2-3 posts a week! Anyways, let's get into this post!

Okay for the moment of truth, my favorite Pokemon generation is G/S (The remakes in particular HG/SS). I probably sound like everyone for saying Johto, but I really do have a deep love for Johto and here's why.

1.) You get to walk around with your Pokemon

Yes, just yes. I mean, this is the only remakes, or just games in particular that let you walk around with your Pokemon (besides Pokemon Yellow, which let's you walk around with Pikachu). I know, they probably won't do that again because of the 700+ Pokemon there are now. I would've really liked to see that on the new 3DS's or hopefully the Nintendo Switch.

2.) Has one of the best rivals

You have to admit that it was satisfying when you kicked his ass in battles. He grew as a trainer along with us when he stole one of the starter Pokemon from Professor Elm's lab. I also really like that he really developed as a person throughout the game's storyline. He went from a person who thought of Pokemon as tools, to a person who truly showed compassion and friendliness toward Pokemon by the end, as you see yourself when he evolves his Golbat into a Crobat; which needs a high friendship in order to evolve.

3.) The best post game of any generation.

This is one of the things I love most about this gen. You get to explore 2 regions, and relive what you loved back in the first gen. This game gives you the best of both worlds. You even get to battle the old gym leaders of the first gen which gives you a total of 16 badges to collect. Isn't that awesome?? Once your done with that, take your team to battle Red, the strongest trainer of all time.

 Oh, but if your done with that, don't worry you can take on the Battle Frontier. If your bored, track down all the gym leaders, of both regions, get their numbers, and call them for a rematch! This is hands down the best post game in any gen.

4.) The PokeWalker

To finish off this list, the PokeWalker. I think this was the coolest thing ever as a kid. You get to transfer your Pokemon into a REAL LIFE POKEBALL AND WALK WITH IT. You can check how your buddy is doing through the screen. You can even battle and capture Pokemon on the PokeWalker. I've caught my fair share of Pidgeys. I think this is really cool because it was a small step forward into bringing the Pokemon we know and love into the real world. I know, I'm in my feels now.

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed, leave a comment and share with your freinds! This is PND signing out, see you all next time!

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