
                         New Pokemon Generations Episode #18!

Hey readers! Just wanted to let you guys know, the last episode of Pokemon Generations has released! How do you feel about the episode? Are you sad that Pokemon Generations has ended? Comment your opinions down below, I'd love to read them! 


My Opinions

The episode was great. It finally shed some light on something that I kind of wanted to clear up in Pokemon X/Y. The episode depicted the backstory of AZ's past, I got kind of choked up during this. I do have to say though, the games kind of depicted the story just a tiny bit better, but I'm sure it's just because they had like a 4-min time limit, so that doesn't bother me at all. Now I'm just sad that there is no more episodes of Generations, because the show was just awesome, and I really feel that they could make a FULL BLOWN SHOW of Pokemon Generations, and let Ash take a break. (I'm sorry, but if I see Ash lose ONE MORE League, I'm going to slap someone). But in all seriousness, this is definitely an idea they should look into, and it will definitely bring more hype into Pokemon again.

Pokemon's 20th Anniversary Celebration Is Coming To A Close!


Pokemon's 20th Anniversary Celebrations are finally coming to a close as we near the end of December. It has been such a great year for Pokemon. More new players and fans came into the franchise alone than virtually any other year. The Pokemon GO craze sparked so much interest in the series that everyone was left wondering, what's Pokemon Company's next move? Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon of course! Today we're going over Pokemon's greatest accomplishments of 2016, their 20th Anniversary Year!

                                                  A Blast From The Past


Pokemon Company's nod to their first ever games Pokemon Red, Pokemon Green, Pokemon Blue , and Pokemon Yellow, we got a re-release of these games. Not a remake, a literal RE-RELEASE. Original GameBoy graphics and all. It was awesome for us veteran Pokemon players to relive our beloved games on the new hardware of the 3DS systems. The Pokemon Company also released new 2DS custom designs specifically for the theme each OG game. How awesome! It was even one of the most purchased games on the E-Shop.

                                    The Craze That Took Everyone By Storm

The world was not ready for what would become the most downloaded app on the App and Google Play Stores. Pokemon GO was a massive hit, but even Nintendo was a little iffy about a mobile app, but on July 6,2016; that all changed. Millions of people were downloading this app. Pokemon fans, Non-Pokemon fans, and Soon to be Pokemon fans flocked to the app. It was such an innovaive and new idea, you didn't have to be a Pokemon fan to enjoy it! This was definitely a highlight of 2016 on it's own

   Success As Big As The Sun And The Moon


Pokemon Sun and Moon are the smash hits of 2016 selling millions of copies on release night, and having the most pre-orders of any Pokemon game in history. They are the staple of the 20th anniversary of Pokemon, and the Pokemon Company wanted to end their year off with a bang. Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon take on a completely different approach to the Pokemon formula, no more Gyms or badges to collect, instead your put in a Hawaiian themed region, where you take on island challenges with your Pokemon.                              

Also with the addition of new Alolan Forms of our previous Pokemon from the Kanto region, a nod to Pokemon's 20th anniversary, and the addition of Z-Moves brings in more excitement to a battle! Honestly its been a great year, and I can't wait for what's coming next year!



              Pokemon GO Is Coming To The Apple Watch?

That's right, you probably saw this coming. Even if you did not see this coming,it's almost here. This is just one of those instances where you see first hand Apple wants in on this money making train. But nonetheless, let's jump right into when the app is set to release, and how it works, and why it's coming to the Apple Watch

Why is it coming to the Apple Watch?

Ok,well besides the obvious super wave of income, it's said to be because of the Apple Watch's focus: health. As all GO players know, the only way to progress in the game is to walk around and well ;
catch Pokemon. Alot of people got into the Pokemon GO craze because they wanted to lose weight, but while they were walking, they couldn't really tell how much calories they were losing. Well this counters that. The new Apple Watch Series 2 has a built in GPS, which is what Pokemon GO needs to be played. Second, it tells EXACTLY every single mile you've walked, calories burned. So Apple and Niantic proabably teamed up to completely DOMINATE the health and fitness market.


It's essentially the same game. Just on a smaller screen,

When is it going to be released?

The app is said to be released before the end of 2016. I don't know much about it, but here are a few more pictures.


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